Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example But if we look closer, we'll come to understand his negative outlook and bitterness toward life shows his fears and frustrations in life. At a young age, he had experienced the cruel side of life when his brother died and when he witnessed what he calls phoniness of the world. In one phony situation, Holden described his former headmaster, Mr.Haas as the phoniest bastard he ever met. "On Sundays, for instance, old Haas went around shaking hands with everybody's parents when they drove up to school. He'd be charming as hell and all. Except if some boy had a little old funny-looking parents" (Salinger, 14; ch. 2). Holden's experience of hypocrisy makes him view adults as superficial, insincere and guilty of a lot of things that's why he always quit school or gets expelled. His attitude is caused by his disappointment of the people surrounding him. In his encounter with the nuns, Holden displays his dismay of the irony of life but at the same time show his good heart. The line "I hate it if I'm eating bacon and eggs or something and somebody else is only eating toast and coffee. They let me give ten bucks as a contribution" (Salinger, 110; ch. 15).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Digital Philosophy - What is Posthumanism Essay

Digital Philosophy - What is Posthumanism - Essay Example From ancient period, human beings had the desire of acquiring new skills and abilities. The boundaries of our existence (social, mental, or geographical) have been extended. A way to overcome the obstacles and limitations of life and achieve happiness had always been the tendency of the human race. From the time of invention of fire until the use of computer, human beings have learnt the use of science and technology in every aspect of their lives. Thus, the capability of a human being can be regarded as unlimited. From the days of human beings using technologies for betterment of their work process, we are now approaching towards the period when artificial intelligence might exceed human level. The rapid pace in which the technologies are changing in recent period will have huge impact on humanity in the recent future if the innovative trend persists. There have been shifts towards the digital technology in the recent decade. A new philosophical movement gained attention in the rece nt decade. With the development of the new technologies and the transformation of the world by its potentiality, the emergence of thoughts of posthumanists or transhumanists emerged. The scientists have found technologies that perform human works better than they do. There are two options left; one is to let the machines take every decision without the oversight of human beings and the other one is to let the human beings retain their control over them. The result of both might be complex and harmful for the society. If the machines are allowed to take decisions then human being will have to live in their mercy, and if that is not permitted then they will be so dependable on them (machines) in every aspects of their life that turning the machines off will be almost equivalent to suicide. The intellectual and the philosophical background of the digital technologies, digital media, and the digital culture of the contemporary period with their impact on the human civilization is the ma in aim of this paper. (Bostrom, 2005, pp 1-8: Joy, 2000) Post humanism The post humanists’ (or transhumanists) declaration was crafted by an international group of authors in the year 1998. It mainly involves dealing with the limitations of human form by radical use of technologies and other possible means. The human longing to advance is the core of post humanism. The rapid development of new technology and their potentiality in transforming the human world is what inspired the thought of post humanism. The terms ‘post humanism’ and ‘transhumanism’ are often treated as identical. Both the words describe the broad role played by technology in human life. Technology is expected to bring a new evolution of the human society beyond the definition of ‘human’ in traditional terms. However, the two terms are distinguished sometimes with transhumanism representing the movement that influences the new evolution of human beings to reach the phase of post humanism. The core of transhumanists’ hopes consists of a range of technologies, which involve advanced computing powers, and technology of cyborg in the short term. Nevertheless, for the long-term phenomenon they mainly focus on technologies that have cumulative impact of artificial technology, the use of nanotechnology and the technology of genetic engineering. The genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics revolution (GNR) will propel human beings into the realm of a new world. According to Kurzwell, humanity at present can only dream about the experience and the possibilities that are waiting for them in the changed new world of technology. It can be applied to physical strength, happiness, intelligence, and speed and any other aspects of human existence. The most important feature of post humanism is techno transcendence, which indicates the use of technology to overcome the obstacles (Ust,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dementia Care Training for Nurses

Dementia Care Training for Nurses Improving Dementia Care Training for Registered General Nurses and Adult Student Nurses: examining the need, efficacy, content and barriers. This Independent Project aims to explore the efficacy of current provision for Dementia care training for Adult branch Student Nurses and Registered General Nurses (RGN’s). A range of audits and research literature on this area of special interest will be examined to obtain a better picture of the situation with an aim to discover a recommendation for whether more training in this area is needed. The content and provision needs of training will also be explored with barriers to effective care and training critically analysed. Introduction Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of symptoms caused by certain diseases or conditions associated with decline in a person’s cognitive abilities such as memory, personality changes, impaired reasoning and use of verbal language, which are severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform every-day activities (Chater and Hughes 2012). The most common of these diseases is Alzheimer’s reference. Dementia is progressive and incurable, therefore it is vital these people are supported and cared for by nurses who have been trained with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver high quality evidence based care. ADD IN STRONG REFERENCE THAT TRAINING IMPROVES QUALITY EVIDENCE-BASED CARE. There are currently 800,000 people with dementia living in the UK, with these figures expected to rise by 40% over the next 12 years and by 156% over the next 38 years due to an ageing population. Evidence from the Department of Health (2012) shows that 95% of these people are over the age of 65 and are therefore more likely to have complex medical needs. As a result; they spend increased time in acute hospital wards under the care of RGN’s, making training in this area for this group of health professionals a contemporary issue which needs exploration (Department of Health 2012) . The rising number of patients with dementia presents a challenge for all acute hospital trusts and many different health professionals. Such patients experience higher mortality rates and are more likely to have longer lengths of stay than others, they are also more at risk of falls and other incidents whilst in hospital (Cornwell et al 2012). Aside from the cost implications to the NHS when trusts do not get to grips with this challenge, the patients are not getting appropriate care – they are not ‘living well with dementia’ (Department of Health 2009). The National Dementia Strategy set a clear vision that people with dementia and their carers should be helped to live well with dementia, no matter what the stage of their condition or where they are in the health and care system. Through examination of Dementia training efficacy, it is hoped a recommendation will be made to improve the lives of those living with Dementia through changes in Dementia Care training for RGN’s. Following initial exploration of evidence available surrounding Dementia care training, the following issues will be addressed and critically analysed: Why is Dementia Training for RGN’s needed? How can the efficacy of training on Dementia care for RGN’s be improved? What content should be used in Dementia care training? What are the barriers to implementation of Dementia care training? Why is Dementia Training for RGN’s needed? Patients admitted to acute hospital wards with dementia have comparatively poorer outcomes regarding length of stay, mortality and further institutionalism (DH 2009, Alzheimer’s Society 2012). In addition, this group of patients place higher demands for nursing care, are more likely to functionally decline during admission and suffer increased rates of delayed discharge. This can result in permanent decline in health and added costs to NHS trusts (Mukadam and Sampson 2011). Though thought by many to be due to their complex health needs (REFERENCE), The Health Foundation (2011) has suggested a significant reason for these poorer outcomes is lack of professional understanding by RGN’s in providing appropriate care. Improvement in Dementia care is currently a nationwide health initiative reference. National audits over the last 5 years have recommended implementation of dementia services such as dementia lead nurses, standardised assessment and care protocols and compulsory staff training (DH 2009, Harwood et al. 2010, Thompson and Heath 2013, RCP 2013). Yet there are many recent reports of poor and sometimes negligent care suggesting these recommendations have not yet been followed or implemented (Leung and Todd 2010, Francis 2013, RCP 2013). Results from the National Audit of Dementia Care in general hospitals indicated that nurses working on acute wards rated significantly lower adequacy of training than nurses working on care of elderly wards. Other audits such as Counting the Cost report (Alzheimer’s Society 2009) indicated that more than half of nurses had not received any pre or post registered dementia training. Elliot and Adams (2011) further identify the lack of understanding around Dementia, meaning the needs of older people with Dementia are not addressed in many acute hospital settings. As can be seen, the need for specific training in Dementia care for RGN’s is strong. There is evidence to support positive influence on effective care with training. The National Audit of Dementia Care in General Hospitals (NAD 2012) was commissioned by Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership to address the concerns of care for people with dementia (Tadd et al. 2011). These audits aimed to identify hospital’s provision of assessment, care models and staff training. Following the 1st round of audits in 2011 a report by Thompson and Heath concluded that the main barriers to providing good care were lack of understanding of the condition, not enough time to care and failing to communicate with patients. Improvements are not as forthcoming in dementia assessment on admission to acute wards. Results from the 2nd round audit of NAD acknowledge that there had been improvement in implementation of staff training frameworks in hospitals since the 1st round audit and represented an improvement in care as a result (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2013). The 2nd round report highlighted that approximately 75% of hospitals now provide dementia awareness training to nurses, although almost 50% are still failing to provide dementia awareness training as part of induction programmes. The report suggests that further improvement is required in providing better and more consistent staff training, as despite some progress, there appears to be a gap between actual training and written reports (RCP 2013). As a result, the recommendations outlined and analysed in this Independent project may be of some use in raising positive statistics. How can the efficacy of training on Dementia care for RGN’s be improved? It is the evaluation of this evidence which aims to generate key recommendations for provision of Dementia care training. Elliot and Adams (2011) were able to show improvements in needs met where specific education for RGN’s is provided by a Dementia Nurse Specialist (recommendation number 1). This shows the role of the Dementia Nurse Specialist to be vital in improving the efficacy of Dementia training and infiltrating best possible evidence-based care into clinical practice. However, despite this, the minimal numbers of Dementia Nurse Specialists currently practicing has to be identified as a limiting factor. In many trusts and academic institutions, there is no availability for a Dementia Nurse Specialist to provide training, therefore limiting efficacy even when extensive training is to be provided (Knifton et al. 2014). In terms of training content, it is well documented that evidence used should be reliable and credibly underpin clinical practice as this promotes evidence –based practice and better health outcomes (Jeffs et al. 2013). Evidence based practice is vital in all nurses’ roles (REFERENCE NMC CODE). REFERENCE suggests up to date qualitative and quantitative research is the only knowledge and information base which should be used to allow best care to be provided, hence placing important value of increased use of evidence based research in training sessions. Currently, Moyle et al. (2008) suggests the lack of research used to underpin Dementia training for RGN’s is limiting ability to not only provide best care but also identify those living with Dementia (Chang et al. 2009) RECOMMENDATION 2. However, barriers to evidence based care remain even when high quality evidence is used to support training. Smith-Strom and Nortvedt (2008) have identified that RGN’s ofte n find evidence difficult to interpret and evaluate while Oermann (2009) suggests very little of the content is retained to be implemented into practice. This suggests RGN’s may also need training on evidence based practice and processing research (REFERENCE). Gerrish (2008) suggested the knowledge and skill of the individual nurse prior to receiving specific training heavily influenced their ability to improve their practice following. This suggests multiple training sessions on Dementia may be needed before practice can be changed and improved (REFERENCE). RECOMMENDATION 3. What content should be used in Dementia care training? Tadd et al. (2011) explain that one reason for increased functional decline is that care of patients on acute wards is prioritised from the perspective of the medical condition for which they have been admitted, often overlooking their mental health condition. Most acute wards follow rigid, task driven routines such as drug rounds, meal times and washing, while staff lack the necessary skills required to provide proficient dignified care. This form of nursing can cause increased anxiety and delirium resulting in poorer outcomes for individuals (Tadd et al. 2011, Calnan et al. 2013). Alzheimer’s Society (2009) report that patients admitted to acute hospital wards for longer periods are more likely to suffer from permanent worsened effects of dementia and physical health. They are more likely to receive prescribed antipsychotic drugs and to be discharged to residential care rather than their home (Thompson and Heath 2013). Leung and Todd (2010) acknowledge that specialist services do exist in some trusts and that training in managing behaviour, using life stories and implementing dementia care mapping are all good techniques that can help nurses to improve quality care. Dementia care mapping is an observational method of recording interactions that take place between individuals and nurses over a period of time (Ervin and Koschel 2012). This enables evaluation of what works and doesn’t work for patients, it is a useful way of tailoring person-centred care to help staff understand the experience of dementia from the patient’s perspective while rating quality of care given (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and Social Institute for Care Excellence 2007) (NICE-SCIE). Alzheimer’s Society (2013) suggest that nurses must challenge their task driven ward environment and provide a more flexible approach providing care from the patient’s perspective as this is achievable and beneficial to patients. Leung and Todd (2010) reported that most nurses have received little or no training and are ill equipped to deal with the many challenges that face both patients and nurses. Additionally NICE (2013) state that nurses suggest dementia education programmes should include identifying signs and symptoms, communication and person-centred care methods, treatment to include medicine administration and how to monitor side effects, particular emphasis was placed on requirement to assess pan. Nurses also suggested that learning about the impact of dementia on the individual and managing challenging behaviour would be useful. Dementia training is not a compulsory element of the pre-registered nursing curriculum although this has been recommended to the Nu rsing and Midwifery Council (NMC) by several national organisations. (NICE-SCIE 2007, Alzheimer’s Association 2009, All-party Parliamentary Group on Dementia 2012, Higher Education for Dementia Network 2014 (HEDN)). The NHS Confederation (2010) recognise that providing dementia training to staff could benefit hospital trusts in several ways. These include nurses being equipped to identify those with dementia, therefore being able to implement care pathways appropriate to patients. Effective management of patients with dementia helps avoid disorientation and anxiousness which could reduce the amount of time spent attending to challenging behaviour and allow staff more time to care for all patients on an acute ward. What are the barriers to implementation of Dementia care training? Even when effective dementia training has been provided, barriers to good quality evidence-based care remain and it is important these do not go unnoticed. Identification and knowledge of these barriers alone can minimise their limiting factor (reference). Acute hospital settings pose many challenges to both patients with dementia and the nurses caring for them. Yet Harwood et al. (2011) report that there is little evidence of research aimed at investigating these challenges and the provision of detailed policies on how to deal with them. Patients with dementia are more likely to find an unfamiliar environment unsettling, frightening and confusing due to the nature of impaired cognitive ability (Moyle et al. 2008). This accounts for literature suggesting that an acute ward environment comprised of identical doorways and bed spaces causes added confusion to patients (Reference). This often creates increased disorientation, aggression or withdrawal (Leung and Todd, Thompson and Heath 2 013). This further challenges the nurse’s role in maintaining nutritional, personal hygiene and drug administration tasks as individuals can no longer respond to familiar faces, environment and daily routines (Tadd et al. 2011). Barriers Overcoming the barriers The government accepts improvements are needed and is pinning hopes on the  £3.8 billion Better Care Fund, which will was launched in April 2015. The pot has been earmarked for joint projects between the NHS and local government to encourage more integrated care. STUDENT NURSES 2015 report: Dementia education to bestandardised at degree level some nursing degrees offer only three hours of dementia education throughout the whole three-year course. How this should change following the dementia core skills framework, but it doesn’t state how many hours students will be required to undertake. Student nurse attitudes towards working with the elderly Future plans for RGN’s HEE 2013 Mandate targets. – ensure that tools and training opportunities in dementia are available to all staff by the end of 2018. Current training requierments of RGN’s in relation to Dementia training References Department of Health (2009) Living well with dementia: a national dementia strategy. The Stationery Office, London. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence/Social Care Institute for Excellence guideline (2006) Dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care. NICE/SCIE, London.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Daily Collegian of University Park :: Persuasive Presidential Political Politics Essays

The Daily Collegian of University Park Dear students, professors, and residents of the State College area, The 2004 presidential election is right around the corner, only several days away. This election is one of the closest races in American history. It is very hard to tell which candidate is going to win the election. Of the two presidential election candidates, John Kerry of the Democratic Party and George Bush of the Republican Party, they have totally different styles and policies. Their policies will significantly affect our future in various aspects. I will analyze each candidate and evaluate their political opinions on different issues so that everyone will have a better understanding of the two candidates. This is the election you want to participate, since your future will depend on the two candidates. Job opportunities, incomes, taxes, foreign relationships, government spending, and education will be at stake. This editorial will provide insights and information that will help voters to cast their important votes that may alter the result of this election. Let us look at John Kerry’s plan for recovering the poor American economy. John Kerry has a detailed plan for helping America to create jobs instead of enduring the high unemployment rate during the office of George W. Bush as the 43rd president of the United States. When students graduate from college, the first thing they want is job security and income. They would preferably want jobs with good wages. John Kerry will create good-paying jobs in America. According to John Kerry’s campaign website, he will end tax breaks to the companies that create jobs overseas. John Kerry will create a New Job Tax Credit to encourage firms to hire the US local citizens. Also, he will increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.00 by 2007. With an increase of the minimum wage, the average wage is likely to go up. This will ensure that people can still make a living from working full-time in those minimum-paying jobs. His plan will reverse the current trend of job losses overseas and bring job opportunities back to America. Employment and wag es will increase under John Kerry's plan for economic recovery. In the area of education, John Kerry's plan will improve school quality and allow students to obtain higher education. He will offer schools the resources and reforms they need to give everyone, regardless of one's income, race, or family background, a great education.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explain What Is Radiative Forcing Environmental Sciences Essay

The green house consequence occurs when definite gases-recognized as green house gases-gather in Earth environment. These gases consist of C dioxide, azotic oxide ( N2O ) , methane, fluorinated exhausts, and ozone. Greenhouse fumes allow the Sun ‘s mild freshness onto the Planet ‘s surface, but they snare the heated that shows back once more up into the conditions. In this manner, they act like the cup surfaces of a green house. This green house impact keeps the World heated plenty to keep lifestyle. Research workers say that without the green house impact, the conditions of the World would fall from 14EsC ( 57EsF ) to every bit low as -18EsC ( -0.4EsF ) .List the chief GHGs. Supply the names and the chemical expression?Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , Methane ( CH4 ) , Azotic oxide ( N2O ) , CFC-12 ( CCI2F2 ) , HCFC-22 ( CHCIF2 ) , Perfluoromethane ( CF4 ) and Sulphur hexa-fluoride ( SF6 ) .Explain what is Radiative Coercing?When people discuss climatic alteration or the green h ouse consequence, the chief existent scientific thought that explains the procedure is radiative coercing. In brief, radiative forcing is an instant step of the measure that the Earth ‘s power monetary value scope is out of stableness.What is the current concentration of CO2 and what was it 1000 old ages ago?Any issue relevant to the uninterrupted development of the air ‘s CO2 focal point is the fright that it may do to black climatic modify. There is small purpose to believe that such will of all time go on, nevertheless, for several findings of traditional alterations in environmental CO2 focal point and air heat scope recommend that it is planetary warming that pushes alterations in the air ‘s CO2 stuff and non frailty versa. In a research of the international heating ‘s that signaled the decease of the last three ice age groups, for illustration, Atomic et Al. ( 1999 ) discovered that air heat scope ever increased foremost, followed by a rise in environme ntal CO2 some 400 to 1000 decennaries later. Atmospheric CO2A phases have continued elevated than 350 ppm of all time since early on 1988.List and explicate what sort of information is used to gauge past concentration of CO2?Another less direct method is to analyze the development circles of trees. Trees develop more rapidly when the clime is warm and wet, but they besides develop more rapidly when CO2 phases are higher. It is possible to do judgements of CO2 phases in the past by analysing the development circles of trees, either as workss or every bit found in wood of old constructions or ships and so on.Define Carbon pes print?The measure of green house exhausts produced to straight and finally support human activities, normally indicated in tantamount plentifulness of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) . In other words: When you generate a auto, the engine Burnss petrol which makes a certain measure of CO2, based on its gasoline consumption and the drive scope. ( CO2 is the substance icon f or every bit good as dioxide ) . When you warm your place with oil, gas or dodo fuel, so you besides produce CO2. Even if you warm your place with power, the creative activity of the electric energy may besides hold produced a certain measure of CO2. When you buy repasts and merchandises, the development of the repasts and merchandises besides produced some sums of CO2. The C footmark is an highly influential utensil to recognize the contact of personal activities on planetary heating.List Currently from which human activities do Most of Green House Gases Come From?Technically any and all human action causes the development of CO2. When you take in breathe you generate this gas. The MAJOR makers of green house gas ( of which adult male ‘s entire development is little ) consist of the air conditioning of houses and constructions partly through the creative activity of power ( approximately 50 % of our production ) , so Transport ( approximately 30 % ) . The remaining 20 % is pr opagating about reasonably broad and besides from the development of nutrient and medicine to utilizing the cyberspace.Which activity does Most of Green House Gases Come From in the natural C rhythm?Co2 ( CO2 ) is the primary green house gas produced through single actions. In 2010, CO2 included approximately 84 % of all U.S. green house gas pollutants from single actions. Co2 is of course present in the conditions as portion of the Global every bit good as form ( the organic motion of every bit good as among the conditions, sea, land, workss, and animate beings ) . Human actions are altering the every bit good as rhythm — both by adding more CO2 to the conditions and by impacting the ability of organic basins, like jungles, to take CO2 from the conditions. While CO2 pollutants come from a assortment of organic beginnings, human-related pollutants are responsible for the addition that has happened in the conditions since the commercial tendency.In your sentiment, list and exp licate what the chief C sinks are?Demonstrates the annual activity of 100s of unmeasurable carbon dioxide between the conditions, H2O, and land which are the major armored combat vehicles, or â€Å" sinks † of CO2 – and under other fortunes, a â€Å" beginning † for carbon dioxide. In add-on to the ambiance, the sea acts as a important drain for carbon dioxide with cold H2O taking in more CO2 than H2O. Just as a warming bubbly imbibe green goodss pockets of CO2, so will heating sea temperatures. Absorbed CO2 removed from the sea ( and other Waterss ) by the photosynthesis of plankton and other Marine workss, and so returned to the system as the workss are consumed by animate beings. Demolished carbon dioxide besides chemical responds with H2O to organize carbonaceous acid ( CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 ) which acidifies the environment, and is thought to be responsible for barrier reefs bleaching ; and, presents a important hazard to other marine life.What are Primary infl uences on Carbon emanations?Meaning of statistic boundaries: Pollutants can be linked geographically, to the country where they were created ( the country rule ) or by the action construct to the country created the emanations. These two constructs result in different some when calculating, for illustration, power importing from one state to another, or emanations at a terminus. Time skyline of different GHGs: Engagement of a given GHG is revealed as a CO2 comparative. The calculation to calculate out this considers how long that gas continues to be in the conditions. This is non ever known absolutely and calculations must be systematically modified to bespeak new information. What countries are involved in the calculation ( e.g. , energy countries, commercial processs, farming etc. ) : There is frequently an issue between visibleness and handiness to informations. The statistic method itself: This may be via immediate statistic or rating. The four chief techniques are the exhaust f actor-based technique, bulk balance technique, prognostic emanations tracking system, and repeating emanations tracking systems. These techniques vary in preciseness, cost, and functionality.What are secondary influences on Carbon emanations?They are calculated in C dioxide comparable, by agencies of all nursery gases being fitted following to a rubric which employs C dioxide as a support. Several influences appear at primary and secondary footing ‘s, untangling the two. Such as, when person takes a auto, this produces a primary foundation of C dioxide. While person sips bottled H2O, this produces a secondary footing ; so the emanations are non in the bottle itself, nevertheless in the developed and transit of the container.Explain what is polar dipole?A polar molecule is a molecule in which there is some separation of charge in the chemical bonds, so that one portion of the molecule has a little positive charge and the other a little negative charge. Water is a well-known ill ustration of a polar molecule. Dipole molecules are created when common electronic brace at covalent bond is asymmetrical. If different atoms are bonded by a covalent bond, which can hold different negatron affinity, so the atom with greater negatron affinity will pull the negatron pairs more strongly. In this manner an asymmetrical distribution of negative charge appears in a molecule, so one portion of the molecule becomes comparatively negatively ( the one closer to the electron brace ) and the other becomes comparatively positively charged.Why is Methane more powerful than Carbon dioxide as a GHG?The climatic modify prospective or GWP, is a simple measuring frequently used to measure how much more extremely effectual a given green house gas is in comparing to co2. Back in 1996, the Intergovernmental Board on Environment Change approximated the GWP for methane as 21, regarded over a 100-year clip form following fumes. As of 2007, the IPCC provided climatic modify possibilities ( GWP ) for methane of 25 for a 100-year integrated time-frame and 72 for a 20-year integrated clip interval after fumes. Using a more latest design to better catch how methane communicates with other radiatively effectual ingredients, Shindell et Al. in a 2009 papers in Technology modified these facets to 33 and 105 severally. These greater rules indicate the best, most present scientific discipline. The GWP for methane is less at the drawn-out interval scope merely because methane does non stay in the conditions for every bit long as carbon dioxide.Describe what are CAP and Trade?A cap and trade categorization is a method for managing taint, with the terminal aim of diminishing the overall taint in a state, country, or market. Many protagonists of taint control aid the thought of such systems, differing that they are effectual, and that they appear reasonable financially every bit good. It is merely one option among many for diminishing the fumes of contaminations, such as carbon di oxide, a green house gas that has drawn important sums of attending due to its ecological effects.What is eccentricity of Earth and how does it impact clime?The World does non hold eccentricity. However, the orbit of the World about the Sun is a small spot unusual. This has small impact on the times ( in the North Hemisphere, it really makes summer clip and winter a small milder ) . Neither does the World have point. However, the whirling axis of the World is angled comparative to the aircraft of the Global orbit around the Sun. The relationship between this point and glacial times is unidentified.What is precession alteration and how does it impact the clime?The alterations in the topographic point of universe and its orbit around the Sun are known as flawlessness modify. As we know Our Earth revolves at an topographic point of 23.5 degree to the consecutive and its Northern Post factors to the famous person Polaris in the celestial country presently. Because of precession, it used to factor to the famous person Vega likely about 12,500 decennaries ago. This implies that if we try to acquire out the effects of precession on our Earth every season the alteration is minimum. However, at the terminal of the form, such as this season, in my information, our Earth is expected to complete another form.What is the magnetic poles alteration and how make these impact the clime?Many natural systems have been suggested for international heating during the past 1000s of old ages none of these appears to hold included the alterations in international heat scope seen over the 2nd half of the last century. As such the rise in heat scope has been linked to manmade systems. Research of the activity of the Global attractive northern and south poles over the last 105 old ages shows strong connexions between the place of the northern attractive, and geomagnetic Northern and south poles, and both northern hemisphere and international temperatures. Although these connexions are su rprising, a mathematical analysis shows there is a less than one per centum opportunity they are alone, but it is non clear how gestures of the northern and south poles affect environment. Links between alterations in the Global attractive country and international heating, have been suggested antecedently although the exact process is debated. These include: The Global attractive country impacts the energy transportation monetary values from the solar air current to the Global environment which in bend impacts the North Ocean Oscillation. Motion of the northern and south poles changes the geographical entry of galactic and solar cosmic radiation, traveling them to peculiarly environment sensitive countries. Changes in entry of extremist violet radiation caused by the activity of the attractive country may ensue in additions in the decease monetary values of C falling pelagic workss such as phytoplankton.Were the aims of the lesson met? Yes __________ NO ________________ ?Yes I have met all the aims of the lesson.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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COMPANY PROFILE Company’s Philosophy Our Company’s Main Mission is to provide : * Main quality and best IT Brands * Professional trading standards * Reliable after-sa les service & warranty DISCOUNTPC’S vision is to maintain its status as one premier retail provider – delivering the best I. T. Brands and being known as â€Å"best value for money† retail shop. Contact Information DISCOUNTPC (BEST VALUE MICRO PC) DiscountPC 2nd floor Gilmore I. T. Center Bldg. Gilmore Cor. 1st St. Gilmore, Q. C. PHILS TELS: 722-5018 964-5779 622-3886MOBILE: 0917-8202818 0917-8100560 FAX: 470-9349 EMAIL: [email  protected] com. ph MICROTEQ (MICRO Xchange Tech PC Co. ) MICROTEQ 3RD floor Gilmore I. T. Center Bldg. Gilmore Cor. 1st St. Gilmore, Q. C. Phils TELS: 725-0203 622-0391 MOBILE: 0917-8982310 FAX : 725-0203 EMAIL: [email  protected] com. ph Corporate Information DISCOUNTPC’S vision is to maintain its status as one premier retail provider – deliv ering the best I. T. Brands and being known as â€Å"best value for money† retail shop.The Corporate Head-Office is at the Ground Flr. UNIT101 LEGRAN TOWER NO. 209 EISENHOWER ST. GREENHILLS SAN JUAN, M. M. of which becomes a permanent warehouse because of its 24/7 security convenience and for purposes of an over-all cost cutting rationale. Recently, collections and other office transactions are being made temporarily at another office location at Barcelona TowerII NO. 209 Pasadena Drive San Juan, M. M. The new Corporate Head-Office will be at UNIT 2-I Mezzanine Flr. TRION TOWER I Bonifacio Global City starting October 2012 onwards.Formed in 2002, DiscountPC has been focused from the beginning to maintaining its lead as a retail provider. The company started as MediaHub Accessories Co. in year 1999, Then in 2002, we added three more outlets such as Microteq PC Co. , E-Gear PC Co. , and DiscountPlus PC Co. all at the 2nd flr. Of Virramall before its major renovation in Dec. , 2 004. In 2005, the company transferred to Gilmore area as DISCOUNTPC. However, following the economic crisis in 2008, the company wisely closed two of its branches in Makati (one in Herrera Tower at VA Rufino ST. orner Ayala and another at Blanco Center Leviste St. ). we plan to re-open these two branches before 2012 ends, and a new outlet will be open in GBC on or before 2013. SECRET TO OUT RESILIENCE & SUCCESS Our success is measured by GOOD FUNDINGS, EXCELLENT MANAGEMENT, and FOCUS. It is our ability to converge on customer satisfaction which delivers, our ultimate competency based on trust and loyalty which turns majority of our customers into long term accounts.We will continue to deliver this ATTRIBUTES reliably with expertise and professionalism as we slowly and cautiously evolve to encreasing our outlets in the near future. BRANDS * W. D. â„ ¢ || SEAGATEâ„ ¢ || Seagate Go-Flexâ„ ¢ || Transcendâ„ ¢ || * Kingstonâ„ ¢ || Kingmaxâ„ ¢ || Gailâ„ ¢ || GSkillsâ⠀ž ¢ || Patriotâ„ ¢ || elixirâ„ ¢ * OCZâ„ ¢ agility || OCSâ„ ¢ solid || OCZ â„ ¢ vertex || CORSAIR â„ ¢ || ADATAâ„ ¢ * Thermaltakeâ„ ¢ || Aerocoolâ„ ¢ || Antecâ„ ¢ || InWinâ„ ¢ || Lancoolâ„ ¢ * INTELâ„ ¢ || AMDâ„ ¢ || MICROSOFTâ„ ¢ | NORTONâ„ ¢ || KASPERSKYâ„ ¢ * Gigabyteâ„ ¢ || Asrockâ„ ¢ || EMAXXâ„ ¢ || ASUSâ„ ¢ || Biostarâ„ ¢ || MSIâ„ ¢ * EVGAâ„ ¢ || PalitDaytonaâ„ ¢ || HISâ„ ¢ || Sparklevâ„ ¢ || Afoxâ„ ¢ || Sapphireâ„ ¢ * Samsungâ„ ¢ || AOCâ„ ¢ || HANNS-Gâ„ ¢ || CHIMEIâ„ ¢ || INTEXâ„ ¢ || KTCâ„ ¢ * CANONâ„ ¢ || HPâ„ ¢ || EPSONâ„ ¢ || BROTHERâ„ ¢ || Altecâ„ ¢ || Edifierâ„ ¢ * Dlinkâ„ ¢ || TP-LINKâ„ ¢ || EDIMAXXâ„ ¢ || Logitechâ„ ¢ || A-4TECHâ„ ¢ * MSIâ„ ¢ netbook || ACERâ„ ¢ || NEOâ„ ¢ || ASUSâ„ ¢ MANAGEMENT STAFF Name: MRS. ELIZABETH TANG PARDO – RELUCIO TITLE: MANAGING OWNER AREA: FINANCE / PURCHASING OUTLETS OPERATIONS TEL S: 961-5779 0917-8202818 NAME: MR. ALBER DY RELUCIO TITLE: MANAGING OWNERAREA OF RESPONSIBILITY: AFTER SALES & LOGISTICS TELS: 211-3864 0917-8900306 NAME: MS. ANABELE RIVAS JOB TITLE: MARKETING / PURCHASING TELS: 622-0391 0939-4302891 NAME: MS. JENNIFER PAMING JOB TITLE: ADMIN / PERSONNEL TELS: 622-3886 0917-9100566 NAME: MR. POLICROMIO TACUD JR. JOB TITLE: LOGISTICS TELS: NAME: MS. ROSELYN DELICANA JOB TITLE: INVENTORY CONTROLLER TELS: NAME: MS. VIVIAN ALDEZA JOB TITLE: RMA CONTROLLER TELS: NAME: MR. RONALD SANTOS JOB TITLE: HEAD TECHNICIAN TELS: 725-0203 NAME: ANA MARIE CORRAL JOB TITLE: SALES MANAGER TELS:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The potential of stem cells for myelin repair in the central nervous system The WritePass Journal

The potential of stem cells for myelin repair in the central nervous system Introduction The potential of stem cells for myelin repair in the central nervous system IntroductionThe policy and its objectivesPolicy evolutionPolicy ProcessImplementationPolicy EvaluationImpact of this policyConclusionReferencesRelated Introduction The policy and its objectives From 1st July 2007 all public places and workplaces in England have been smoke-free. The smoking ban was introduced in Wales on the 2nd April 2007 and in Scotland in March 2006. The legislation aims to protect employees in all workplaces from the ill-health associated with smoking and to encourage people to give up smoking. In October 2007, the legal age for buying tobacco was raised from 16-18.   NHS Stop Smoking Services have seen unprecedented levels of demand since the introduction of smoke free legislation. On 16 November 2004 a Public Health white paper proposed a smoking ban in almost all public places in England. Smoking restrictions would be phased in, with a ban on smoking in NHS and government buildings by 2006, in enclosed public places by 2007, and pubs, bars and restaurants (except pubs not serving food) by the end of 2008. Under the legislation, it is the duty of any person who controls/manager of smoke-free premises to stop people smoking there and if they fail to comply with this duty, they are committing an offence. Employers need to have and maintain a Smoke-free Policy outlining the restrictions on smoking and how non-observance will be dealt with. The ‘Smoke-free’ Policy prohibits smoking in all enclosed and substantially enclosed areas in the workplace, including company vehicles. Members of staff are only permitted to smoke whilst off duty, in official break times only, and in unenclosed designated areas. The policy applies to all visitors, customers and other people who enter the workplace. The policy on passive smoking has been genuinely concerned only with a reduction in smoking in public places; other issues about the formulation of policy in this area are raised, in addition to any concern that the ban on smoking may represent a disproportionate policy response. One of these issues is whether decision-making in this area has given sufficient attention to alternative policy responses, as required by the Treasury guidelines. The Confederation of British Industry   have strongly argued that voluntary smoking bans are already in place in many areas and that business saw the legislation as further evidence of unnecessary intervention by government. The Smoke-Free Policy Objectives are to save lives over the next decade by reducing exposure to hazardous second hand smoke. The policy also aims to protect and improve the health of staff, patients / clients, visitors and contractors by countering the health risks caused by tobacco smoke. Assist both patients and staff who wish to stop smoking by ensuring smoking cessation support is widely available to staff, patients and clients; set an example of best practice; reduce the risks to health from exposure to second-hand smoke; recognise a person’s right to be protected from harm and to enjoy smoke-free air; and increase the benefits of smoke-free enclosed public places and workplaces for people trying to give up smoking so that they can succeed in an environment where social pressures to smoke are reduced. Whether the policy will directly reduce the incidence of smoking and smoking-related diseases remains to be seen. It has proved that the banning smoking in public places, th e policy has been highly effective. She stressed there would be public consultation on how to protect staff in pubs where smoking will still be allowed possibly giving a second chance for her plan to restrict smoking in exempted pubs to sealed smoking rooms. The Health Bill also includes measures to tackle MRSA, new rules on managing controlled drugs, proposals to pave the way for reform of pharmacies, including new roles for pharmacy staff. The main objective of this policy is to ban smoking in public places in order to reduce the incidence of passive smoking and protect childrens and adults overall health. Groups that are affected by the ban are smokers, owners of pubs and restaurants and also cafes, the general public are also affected. The main aspects of the Health bill is the legislation of the ban of smoking in workplaces and also the new hygiene code of conduct that has been introduced for health providers to help reduce hospital infections and also a shipman safeguard which means their will now be a tighter management of controlled drugs after inquiry into the GPS murders. And finally the last main aspect of the Health bill is a reform to the way chemists work. When proposed in 2007 it was outlined that three years after the smoking ban was put in place the bill would be reviewed. However, after the 2010 General Election the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats which entered the Coalition Government announced that it would no longer be reviewing the smoke free legislation on the 30th June 2010.   However, an attempt in October 2010 by Conservative MP David Nuttall to amend the law to exempt private members clubs and pubs from the smoking ban was defeated in the House of Commons on its first reading. Policy evolution The House of Lords commented saying that the ban on smoking in pubs was an over reaction to the threat posed by passive smoking and was the MPs failure to understand the concept of risk. The Lords Economic Affairs Committee cited the smoking ban as an example of policy based on bad science and that it had been sold to the public as necessary because of the dangers of passive smoking. However the Committee members later questioned whether the Government had a scientific basis for the claim after Caroline Flint, the Health Minister, told the committee: â€Å"In relation to deaths from smoking and second-hand smoke, the most serious aspect is smoking in the home. Ninety-five per cent of deaths are related to smoking in the home.† With the main risk of passive smoking was with the concern of children who were exposed to second hand smoke in the home and the bill was not originally designed to address this issue. Tobacco control policy in England during the years of 1998-2009 was largely guided by the 1998 white paper Smoking Kills and the public Health white paper Choosing Health published in November 2004. In 2004 the Department of Health set targets to reduce smoking prevalence in the population with aiming to reduce smoking rates to 21% or less by 2010. Policy Process After opposition and debates within the cabinet on the 26th October 2005 the government published that it would continue with the plan of the smoking ban. However, there was still wide criticism with many MPS threatening to overturn the bill. One year later, on the 11th January the government announced that MPs would gain a free vote on an amendment to the Health bill. On the 14th February 2006 the House of Common voted on the amendment to the original plan and wanted to extend the ban so that all enclosed public places, including private members clubs would also be smoke free. MPS went on to vote whether all enclosed public places. This amendment gained significant support and the legislation was passed by the House of Lords. Many campaigners said that the partial ban in 2005 did not go far enough and said that it would still leave workers in private members clubs and pubs not serving food at risk of second hand smoke. In August 2003, Pizza Hut announced that all 500 of its branches would become non-smoking and in January 2005, the JD Wetherspoons pub chain announced it would be following. Critics of the ban questioned the claim that passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, and organisations representing the tobacco industry and smokers also argued that ventilators could be used to remove smoke from bars and pubs, negating the need for a ban. However, the medical profession claimed that ventilators do not protect the public from the risk of lung cancer. Eventually the support for a smoking ban was outweighed by the opposition and the government was forced to allow a free vote in parliament where MPs had the chance to back a complete ban on smoking in public places. By February 2006, the House of Commons voted by majority of 200 to introduce a blanket ban on smoking in England and Wales from summer 2007.   A ban on smoking in all NHS and government buildings was introduced in January that year. The government later went on to decide and announced that a rise in the age at which people could buy cigarettes went from 16 to 18 from October 2007. The Government also went on to print pictures of cancer on cigarette packets for another way to put off smokers. It had been argued that it was the opinion of the businesss owners rights to decide what happens in his or hers property and because a person can purchase cigarettes legally a personal should be able to smoke where smoking is allowed. However health officials and individuals such as Lance Armstrong say with a state-wide smoking ban lung cancer and other health problems can be reduced. A group called Freedom to choose launched a campaign for a judicial review of the smoking ban.   The freedom to choose campaigners claimed that the smoking ban was in breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 because it doesn’t give the right to privacy of people who wish to smoke in clubs and bars. After 24 hours after the committees report of the harm of smoking, new evidence was brought forward stating that passive smoking can cause a common type of blindness in older people. To add to ministers discomfort, just 24 hours after the committees report, new evidence emerged that passive smoking can cause a common type of blindness in older people. Cambridge researchers reported in the British Journal of Ophthalmology that living with a smoker for five years doubled the risk of age related macular degeneration and regular smoking tripled it (2006;90: 75–80). One change which is based on an overall national health policy statement is that the smoking ban legislation forms part of the Health Act 2006. 101 MPs including 69 Labour backbenchers signed a motion for a free vote. Critics and health experts argued that plans to exempt private clubs and non-fast food pubs from the ban were bad for health and would prove unworkable. However, Mrs Hewitt   who is favour of a full ban on smoking in all enclosed public spaces defended the ban and said that Many of us would have liked to have gone further and faster and stressed that even with exemptions 99% of workplaces would be smoke-free. Implementation It was agreed that 3 years after the ban was put in place a review would be conducted, however in 2010, 3 years after it was put in place the government dropped the planned review of the smoking ban in England. Labour had promised that the ban would be looked at again in the autumn of 2010 however this never happened. The smoke free policy can be implemented in a range of settings such as schools, workplaces and to facilitate implementation of the policy businesses should prepare workplaces by displaying smoke-free signs and by removing ashtrays and butt bins. The government assumed success for the policy and the enforcement officers from local authorities work closely with businesses to ensure compliance with the ban. The ban means that it is an offence to smoke in smoke free premises or vehicles and a failure to do so carry a fixed fine of  £50.   Failure for those who control smoke free places to make sure others to smoke in these places carries a fine of up to  £ 2,500 and with failing to display no smoking signs carries a fixed fine of  £200. It was rumoured that implementing the smoking ban in England cost taxpayers, restaurant and pub property owners at least  £100 million more than the Government originally budgeted. The Department of Health estimated that the bill for the ban that comes into force in 2007 time would run to  £1.6 billion. It was also estimated that the implementation costs for workplaces would be minimal. However The British Beer and Pub Association say that its members spent at least  £70 million on converting premises According to the Mental Health Foundation 85% of respondents to a survey that was conducted said that the ban had been implemented wholly effectively and this may be due to the rise in secret smoking and also with occasions where staff feel obliged to turn   a blind eye especially when a patient is very unwell . The governments main aim was to try and get people to stop smoking so to help this they set up specialist stop smoking services widely available across the country. An example of this is a trust wide smoke free group which co-ordinated a stepped up approach towards the implementation of the smoke free society. The Government allocated funding to support implementation of the smoke free legislation for the financial years 2006-07 and 2007-08. The Department of Health distributed  £29.5 million to support first-tier local authorities in England to undertake new work associated with the introduction of smoke free legislation on 1 July 2007. Policy Evaluation Compliance with the ban will be monitored by enforcement officers employed by the local authorities. It will of course take many years to assess whether the ban has led to a reduction in the number of smokers, and/or improved health outcomes. Given the number of confounding influences, it may never be possible to assess the effectiveness of the plan in these regards. Two weeks after the ban was introduced, 97% of inspected premises and there had been nearly 90,000 inspections  were complying with the ban. That is to say that 97% of premises where prohibiting smoking (98% of smoke free vehicles), although at that point in time, only 79% of premises were displaying the required no-smoking signage  at the entrance to buildings  (84% of smoke free vehicles). In total, local councils had issued on 142 written warnings (0.2% of the total)  to premises that had failed to prevent smoking, adopting a  light touch rather than draconian  measures at this early stage in the policys life. In terms of banning smoking in public places, the policy seems to be highly effective. Whether the policy will directly reduce the incidence of smoking and smoking-related diseases, remains to be seen. Impact of this policy In 1965 British government bans cigarette advertising on television.   In 1971 Government health warnings to be carried on all cigarette packets sold in the UK. In 1984 Smoking banned on London Underground trains. In 1987 the London Underground smoking ban extended to entire network following the Kings Cross station fire, in which 31 people died. In May 1997 New Labour government pledges to ban tobacco advertising. In March 2001 New EU directive requires larger, more prominent health warnings on tobacco packaging. In March 2002 British parliament passes legislation that began as a Private Members Bill, banning tobacco advertising. Deadline for phasing out sponsorship of Formula One motor racing brought forward to comply with EU directive.   In December 2002 British Medical Association calls for a ban in smoking in public places because of the threat to non-smokers. In January 2004 British Heart Foundation uses graphic images to reinforce its government-sponsored anti-smoking campaign. In November 2004 A Public Health White Paper proposes introducing a smoking ban in workplaces by 2008, with pubs which do not serve food and private members clubs exempted. The legislation would apply to England and Wales, but the Welsh Assembly has said it would amend the bill to create a comprehensive ban when it gains Royal Assent in England. In April 2005 MSPs voted by 83 to 15 to introduce a ban on smoking in public places from April the following year. Smokers who defy the ban are liable to pay a  £1,000 fine. In October 2006 Northern Ireland agrees a smoking ban in all workplaces and public spaces from April 2007 as discussions over the England smoking ban break down at cabinet level, causing the smoking ban bill to be delayed and leading to doubts over how a ban will be introduced. In December 2006 the government announces England will get a smoking ban from 1st July2007. Conclusion In conclusion the policy does seem to be meeting its short-term objective. The policy enjoys a high level of public support, and therefore, in this instance, the Government does seem to be enacting a policy that the people want. References Newspapers: ALEX MARKHAM. (2006). England smoke ban: Reactions . Available: Last accessed 13th April 2011 BBC news. (2004). Smoking ban proposed for England . Available: Last accessed 12th April 2011 BBC NEWS. (2005). Smoke ban bill details released . Available: Last accessed 3rd April 2011. BBC NEWS. (2005). Hewitt defends smoking ban plans . Available: Last accessed 1st April 2011. BBC NEWS. (2006). England smoke ban to start 1 July. Available: Last accessed 12th April 2011. BBC NEWS. (2007). Timeline: Smoking and disease . Available: Last accessed 1st April 2011. BBC NEWS. (2009). Smoking bans cut heart attacks . Available: Last accessed 12th April 2011. BBC NEWS. (2010). No plans for smoking ban review. Available: Last accessed 7th April 2011. Clare Allan. (2009). Hard-line smoking ban just isnt fit for purpose. Available: Last accessed 1st April 2011. Colin Brown. (2005). Blair backs down on smoking ban to end feud. Available: Last accessed 1st April 2011. Harry Wallop. (2007). Smoking ban costs will be  £100m over budget. Available: Last accessed 13th April Journals- Sam Coates. (2006). Smoking ban is based on bad science. Available: Last accessed 13th April 2011 The Gallup Organisation. (2009). Survey on Tobacco. Available: Michelle sims et al. (2010). Short term impact of smoke-free legislation in England: retrospective analysis of hospital admissions for myocardial infarction. Available: Last accessed 13th April 2011

Monday, October 21, 2019

Equites, the Roman Knights

Equites, the Roman Knights Equites were Roman horsemen or knights. The name is derived from the Latin for the horse, equus. The equites came to be a social class and a single member of the equestrian class was called an eques. Originally, there were supposed to have been 300 equites during the time of Romulus. 100 were taken from each of the three tribes Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres. Each of these patrician hundreds was a century (centuria) and each century was named for its tribe. They were called celeres. Under Tullus Hostilius there were six centuries. By the time of Servius Tullius, there were 18 centuries, the last twelve drawn from the richest, but not necessarily patrician, men. The Equites and the Roman Army The equites were originally an important division of the Roman army, but over time, they lost their military prominence moving to the wings of the phalanx. They still voted first in the comitia and kept two horses and a groom each- more than any others in the army. When the Roman army started to receive pay, the equites received three times that of the ordinary troops. After Punic War II the equites lost their military position. Roman Politics An eques was bound to a certain number of campaigns, but no more than ten. Upon completion, they entered the first class. Later Equites had the right to sit on juries and came to occupy an important third place in Roman policies and politics, standing between the senatorial class and the people. Disgrace and Dismissal When an eques was deemed unworthy, he was told to sell his horse (vende equum). When no disgrace was involved, someone no longer fit would be told to lead his horse on. There was a waiting list to replace the dismissed eques.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Forms of Emphasis in Writing

7 Forms of Emphasis in Writing 7 Forms of Emphasis in Writing 7 Forms of Emphasis in Writing By Mark Nichol At least seven strategies for calling attention to one or more words exist, but few of them are appropriate for a document that one wishes to consider professional looking. The purposes and relative merits of various approaches are discussed below. 1. All-Caps Styling a word, phrase, or sentence entirely in uppercase letters has limited utility: All-caps are employed either to represent speaking at a high volume (therefore, people who use all-caps in email or to comment on online content are often facetiously admonished to stop shouting) or to identify text on signage or in a notice. Assiduously avoid the style, otherwise; reading all-caps is fatiguing to the eye because readers are not used to recognizing so many capital letters in succession. 2. Boldface/Asterisks Boldface is often used for display copy (headings, subheadings, and other text other than the running text, or default wording in a piece of content); another use is to highlight introduced terms that may be defined within the text or in footnotes or a separate glossary. Some writers frame a word or phrase in asterisks to replace the boldface style; notice that in Microsoft Word, doing so will cause the enclosed text to convert to boldface. Avoid boldface for other emphatic uses. 3. Italics/Underscore Italics is the most frequently used type format to indicate emphasis. It is employed for foreign words and phrases that have not been adopted into English, for titles of compositions such as films and books, to represent emphatic speech (for example, in â€Å"You’re not really going to tell her, are you?†), or to refer to a word as a word (for example, â€Å"Define hubris†). The low-tech variation is to frame a word or phrase between underscores (_), but doing so in Microsoft Word will convert the text to italics. 4. Different Point Size Text can be rendered in a larger (or smaller) point size than surrounding text to make a point, but this not recommended for most publications or documents; exceptions include advertising, lighthearted or whimsical content, or children’s books. (One can, for example, emphasize the distinction in volume between a giant or a miniature being and a normal-sized person by increasing or decreasing the size of the type used to indicate the unusually sized person’s speech.) Exceptions include footnotes, captions, and other supporting text. 5. Quotation Marks Quotation marks are often used to bracket a word or phrase used facetiously or ironically, or to represent the writer’s skepticism or a mocking tone (for example, â€Å"The hotel’s ‘luxury’ suite was nearly indistinguishable from any ordinary accommodations†). Overuse of scare quotes, however, is distracting. Quotation marks are often mistakenly employed when something is being identified or introduced. (For example, no quotation marks are required around the phrase â€Å"Richter scale† in the sentence â€Å"The measurement system, called the ‘Richter scale,’ is algorithmic.†) They do, however, take the place of italics in referring to a term as a term when the term consists of more than one word (or to enclose a single word used as a word when italics are not available to or are not used by a publication), as in â€Å"The phrase ‘eminent domain’ has a specific legal definition.† The similarity of purpose here is likely the cause of confusion. 6. Small Caps Small caps are uppercase letters that are equal in height to lowercase letters; in this style, capital letters are usually represented by full-size uppercase letters. Sometimes, the first phrase or line of the first sentence of a chapter or a section of type is styled in small caps for emphasis, and small caps are occasionally employed in place of all-caps, boldface, or italics to provide distinction. 7. Underlining Underlining for emphasis has largely been supplanted by italics. It is now rarely used outside of instructional text to indicate blank spaces to be filled in. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyThe Six Spellings of "Long E"The Difference Between "Phonics" and "Phonetics"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare Hale's Outsider with Burrow's Junky Essay

Compare Hale's Outsider with Burrow's Junky - Essay Example Junky was a semi autobiographical narrative of the daily life of a heroin addict. Although the book is quite straightforward in telling the story of a drug addict it is considered to be more political than literary. The book attracted controversy because of its contentious drug themes, which is evident from subtitles in the book such as Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict. Nevertheless, it is clear from the story that the author has depicted himself as an outsider amongst outsiders because he himself was not a drug addict but had ventured into the sleazy world of drugs in attempts to escape from his mental agony after he accidentally shot his wife. This paper makes a comparison of Burroughs work with Hale’s A Nation of Outsiders. The paper holds that Hale has focused and highlighted perceptions of how middle class whites in America began believing themselves to be outsiders in their own country during the period after the Second World War. In contrast, the Junky does not aim at creating any kind of sympathy for drug addicts. The book titled A Nation of Outsiders: How the White Middle Class Fell in Love with Rebellion in Postwar America by Grace Elizabeth Hale also deals with the issue of outsider in terms of the characteristics of life in America after the end of the Second World War. ... At this time Americans had started identifying themselves with outsiders or rebels whom they mostly associated with African Americans. Hale argues that in having identified themselves with the outsider, Americans had started pursuing inconsistent objectives. They had started working towards their self perceived independence and individual freedom. In being fascinated with outsiders, Americans had started desiring to remain connected and to have value in terms of having a deep sense of sharing with other people. Such paradoxical reversals engrossed many white middle class Americans after the Second World War. It became a fashion for middle class whites in America to have perceptions of being outsiders. Hale has depicted how a large number of people began defining themselves as outsiders although these groups always appeared to compete with one another. But all these people created their respective group’s identity as outsiders. For instance, during the time when the abortion de bate was at its zenith, anti abortion activists thought of themselves as outsiders because the Supreme Court had legalized abortion in 1973. Because these people were entirely against legalizing abortion they started considering themselves as outsiders, while the insiders were considered to be those that were favored by the law of the land (Hale, 2011). The similarity of these circumstances can be felt in Burrough’s Junky because nothing much has changed in the several years since the book was published. Drug addiction continues to be a strong moral issue for many people and in being fair as a society Americans have not made much progress by way of understanding the ways in which drugs should be treated. It cannot be denied that there

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

Case Study Example elementary school, I have analyzed that it is essential to develop innovative facilities for the students to enhance the portfolio and demand in the market among others. Along with this, it might be also worth trying to introduce varied types of extra-curricular activities such as lab and library facilities, an Accelerated Reader Program to develop the joy of reading among students and character education classroom programs to enhance the inner skills and talents of the students. Only then, the dominance of the school may be maintained in such a competitive market scenario as compared to others. Along with this, the profit margin and sales might be enhanced resulting in amplification of the brand equity in the market. Side by side, the market value and reputation of the organization might also be enhanced among other rivals in the market (Sadler, 2003). Only then the mission statement of the Maryland elementary school of becoming the top player in this sector might get fulfilled as compared to others in the market. Side by side, its range of students might also get enhanced day by day very rapidly. Trait theory: It is an approach describing the personalities of human beings. It is essential, because on the basis of his or her personality traits, I might approach the person for further discussion regarding the prospects of the goals in this competitive scenario. For example, this theory might also prove effective in understanding the personality traits of the senior managers and the administrators enrolled below me for the fulfillment of this task. Thus, it may be stated that trait theory of leadership is extremely essential for any leader or members of any organization or group. So, it is extremely essential for the leaders to attain a definite type of skills and traits to accomplish the objectives or goals (Sadler, 2003). Transformational leadership theory: This theory always tries to reject the personal interest and motivate the peers and employees to work for

The Snow Storm Lawsuit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Snow Storm Lawsuit - Research Paper Example In the given case study, because of heavy snow storm, many hospital staffs who were working for a no-profit community hospital providing patient care called out from work on the 3-11 and 11-7 shifts which resulted in damages including loss of life to patients due to lack of nursing staff available during that period. The families of these patients sued the hospital on behalf of their deceased relatives. This paper briefly analyses legal, ethical, professional and business considerations involved in this case. The first legal consideration involved in this case is that the hospital management failed to provide necessary protection to the patients admitted in the hospital. It is the duty of the hospital management to ensure adequate medical care to all the patients admitted in the hospital at any cost. By calling out the nursing staff, the management sacrificed the interests of the patients. The hospital should have taken adequate precautionary measures to counter the problems associated with snow storm as snow storm was not a new thing to them. The patients who were not able to move out of hospital left unnoticed in the hospital till the snow storm ends which is definitely illegal. The hospital management played with the lives of patients and definitely they were guilty of neglecting the interests of the patients. The second legal consideration in this case is that whether the hospital staff could be forced to work in such drastic conditions. Life is precious to all whether it belongs to the patients or to the hospital staffs. Under such circumstances, can the hospital authorities pressurise the hospital staff to work? The third legal consideration in this case is that one patient lost his life because of incorrect medication. Only one nurse was agreed to work during this disaster period and she should have heavy workload during this period because of lack of other medical staffs available at that time in that hospital. It is quiet possible that she might have

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 13

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example The operations carried out at America, China, and United Kingdom was very successful. It provides online shopping opportunity to its customers. Its main objective is to provide better life to its customers with the help of the donations in kind. Wal-Mart is managed by Walton family as it is a family owned business. It has around 2.2 million employees across the world. Corporate level mainly deals with framing the mission and vision of the organization and planning accordingly to reach the desired goal. It formulates different strategies which are required for attainment of objectives of the company. The Functional level objectives are derived from that of the corporate level. This level develops coordination between the corporate and business unit level. In this complex environment of the business, the strategies are required to be formulated. This strategy is very well defined as in this level the marketing strategy will be further divided between the sales. The strategy in this level helps in the attainment of functional objectives of the organization (Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland, 2012). Strategic management is required for the growth of the organization. It helps in the formulation of effective business environment. Business strategy is compared and formulated with the five forces that build competition. The strategic position of the company can be determined by the business level strategy. Wal-Mart adopts competitive advantage by delivering unique product to its customers by providing a standardized product at a lowest competitive price. The company can select any one from the given strategies to gain competitive advantage by delivering uniqueness in the product and lowering down the cost. The retail industry focuses on the cost leadership strategy to sustain in the market and narrowing the competitive scope. When the company provides unique product the customers will be willing to pay a premium for the product. Corporate level refers to the strategy

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stock photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stock photography - Essay Example Stock photography in this case becomes highly cost effective and of great use at the right time. Moreover, hiring and explaining while training the photographer as to what the company actually needs out of his work takes a lot of time and still cannot assure the desired results. Therefore in order to minimize the risk of getting the wrong outcomes, most of the companies go for stock photography (Highton, 244). The use of stock photography is most commonly found in the advertising, design or such related agencies which have more of a creative and artistic work to do. Although this type of photography seems easy but it has some serious criterion related to it. Such photographers always have to keep on following certain criteria so that their images can match up to the standards which most of the reputed and well established companies desire (Gross, 185). This type of photography is best utilized by those companies which are purely involved in their core business and can hardly manage these advertising and promotional aspects on their own.Stock photography is of great value both to the photographer as well as the employer as it mutually benefits both parties not only in financial terms but also in terms of saving valuable time of both parties. The success of stock photography entirely depends upon the effectiveness and efficiency of the photographer. If the portfolio of his or her pictures is diverse and caters almost everything that can match the needs of his target clients, then it would definitely get him a huge business. Similarly, he would not be in need of updating the portfolio of new pictures every now and then. The trend of the stock photography started a long time back, nearly in the nineteen twenties. But now the things have changed drastically. It has not just been limited to photography but a number of agencies have been established

International Maritime Organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Maritime Organization - Assignment Example It includes number of safety measures like that of improving the electrical installation and machinery installation, life saving equipments, fire protection, navigation safety, carriage of hazardous goods, radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony, nuclear merchant ships, and the overall safety of the shipping. The primary function of IMO is to form legislation and establish global treaties relating marine pollution prevention and safety of shipping. The organisation keeps the legislation always up to date so that it becomes helpful for the concerned countries and this attempt has become a successful one. It is found that more than 98% of the international shipping traders follow these legislations. IMO’s another important function is to protect the environment from the hazards of shipping because the extracts of the shipping activities which flows to the sea is very harmful which creates water pollution. Thus, these set of laws helps to prevent the sea water from pollution. IMO also provides safety training to avoid accidents occurring in the sea. The measures taken by IMO have been successful and the rate of serious hazards rate has been reducing from the last twenty years. The oil from the ships which used to enter into the sea also has reduced by considerable extent. Since human resources are the most important resource of the shipping industry so it has become an important task of IMO to improve and develop the human resources. With the opening of the ISM Code, it has made safety a prime concern. This code explains the responsibility for safety and implementation of this code has become tremendously successful. The IMO has also implemented training programmes and has provided modern guidelines to their marine educational institutions through various technical programmes. Thus it can be concluded that IMO provides detailed guidelines and direction which are essential to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Stock photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stock photography - Essay Example Stock photography in this case becomes highly cost effective and of great use at the right time. Moreover, hiring and explaining while training the photographer as to what the company actually needs out of his work takes a lot of time and still cannot assure the desired results. Therefore in order to minimize the risk of getting the wrong outcomes, most of the companies go for stock photography (Highton, 244). The use of stock photography is most commonly found in the advertising, design or such related agencies which have more of a creative and artistic work to do. Although this type of photography seems easy but it has some serious criterion related to it. Such photographers always have to keep on following certain criteria so that their images can match up to the standards which most of the reputed and well established companies desire (Gross, 185). This type of photography is best utilized by those companies which are purely involved in their core business and can hardly manage these advertising and promotional aspects on their own.Stock photography is of great value both to the photographer as well as the employer as it mutually benefits both parties not only in financial terms but also in terms of saving valuable time of both parties. The success of stock photography entirely depends upon the effectiveness and efficiency of the photographer. If the portfolio of his or her pictures is diverse and caters almost everything that can match the needs of his target clients, then it would definitely get him a huge business. Similarly, he would not be in need of updating the portfolio of new pictures every now and then. The trend of the stock photography started a long time back, nearly in the nineteen twenties. But now the things have changed drastically. It has not just been limited to photography but a number of agencies have been established

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

West Side Story Essay Example for Free

West Side Story Essay Do you believe that everyone has a reason to hate someone or something just because of the way they look? May racism be the starting point to hatred? In â€Å"West Side Story†, author Irving Shulman gives us nothing but clues to these questions. The Sharks and the Jets are in a â€Å" turf † war. But two people, one from each side fall deeply in love. Irving Shulman writes how interracial relationships cause hate to increase in an instant and how racism leads up to hate. The story tells the reader how the Puerto Ricans and the Jets cause the world to shake because of racial prejudice. West Side Story† shows how racial prejudice and interracial relationships cause hate to grow. â€Å"West Side Story† shows hate between almost anyone and yet we have no answers on why people hate. After reading â€Å"West Side Story† it made me believe that racism caused by interracial relationships may be what causes hate in this story. In â€Å"West Side Story† two gangs, the Jets and the Puerto Ricans hate each other just because of the way they look, where they are from, and how they live. Racism is a big part in this story. The main part of hate came from an interracial relationship that began between a man of American descent and a Puerto Rican woman, which caused hate to grow between two gangs in the streets of New York. Racial prejudice was very bad in the time this story was written. Anyone can relate to racial remarks. This story truly shows how people used to be and how much the idea of interracial relationships happening changed. Now, it doesn’t matter if two people fall in love even though they are not from the same race. From this you can infer that racism might be what inaugurates hate. Racism might seem like just a word but it’s more powerful than just a word. It only leads to no good in â€Å"West Side Story†. Hate, what is the definition of hate? Everyone has a different perspective of it, but no one can really see what it can lead up to. I don’t understand why people hate for no reason. I think that they are influenced by what they see. Racism is a terrible thing in this story. It makes hate grow a thousand times bigger and causes a huge impact in others’ lifes. Throughout the story there was a part where both gangs went to a dance and one of the gangs were dancing on the contrary side of the building so they wouldn’t mix with the other race. This shows some sort of proof of how both gangs show hate towards one another. Even those that weren’t in any of the gang’s side were involved in discrimination against the other race because they were following what the others were doing. This made me think about how racism begins. It can be caused by those around you, which might be the influence. Racism is an organization in our country. It has existed since our country’s beginning, and there is not much that anyone can do to stop it but ignore it. Anywhere and everywhere you go, there will be someone different but this doesn’t mean you have to hate or criticize those who are different. Towards the ending of â€Å"West Side Story†, the unexpected happened. There was a death and I can conclude that hate and racism were the leading products to this horrific tragedy. For example, Tony had died and Maria was devastated without him. These violent delights have violent ends. Maria had then realized what had killed him and said, We all killed him I can kill now because I hate now. This shows how the racism and hatred of the two gangs lead to event of Tony’s death. People have to understand that love happens. It doesn’t make sense how some people despise the love that happens between two races. It doesn’t matter if both of the people are from a different race. You can’t keep hating on interracial relationships your entire life and being racist against them. Because like this story much of your hatred and racism can lead onto a terrible catastrophic event such as the deaths that happened in â€Å"West Side Story†. Everyone needs to understand that racism isn’t a pretty thing to live with and it’s as bad as hating someone without a purpose. Even if you had a purpose, hate is an evil and powerful thing that can control someone’s mind and influence others. Not only Tony had died in this story but Bernardo, Maria’s brother died too. That is how hate influenced Maria’s supposed to be husband to murder Tony. This interracial relationship caused hates to grow in everyone’s eyes and no one refused to let go of on whose fault it was. It led on, to bigger tragedies. To conclude, the hate that goes towards interracial relationships and racist remarks cause hate to expand in â€Å"West. My final thoughts for this story are that hate and racial prejudice remarks are not the way to situate things, because all they do is hurt others. I want the world to love everyone for who they are. Nothing makes sense anymore, because many are being influenced by hate. How can someone hate two that fell in love? In my opinion the definition for hate is death, because I feel that hate will always lead up to death. You will end up alone in life. Racism is a synonym for hate and even though we can’t do anything about racism we should at least try not to influence it. â€Å"West Side Story† made me think twice about life and that everyone is different and yet equal in the same way, we are all human beings. As I stated earlier racism and interracial relationships cause hate to grow in this world and should be avoided everyday. The world isn’t perfect but we can at least try to make it perfect.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Important and application of data mining

Important and application of data mining Important and application of Data Mining Abstract Today, people in business area gain a lot of profit as it can be increase year by year through consistent approach should be apply accordingly. Thus, performing data mining process can lead to utilize in assist to make decision making process within the organization. This paper elaborate in detail the level of importance and also the application the application of data mining which can be adopt for various fields depends on the objective, mission, goals and purpose of conducting the study within the organization. there are three main areas take as a example which are hotel, library and hotel to observe on how data mining works to these main field. Keywords: Data Mining, KDD Process, Decision Trees, Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm; Association Rules, Neural Network, Rough Set, 1.0 Introduction As we know, organization which conducts business transaction is keeps massive of document or data in a specific database for further retrieval. The data are combine from are a few departments that carried out different task and each of their function parallel with the mission and vision of organization. According (Imberman, 2001) the number of fields in large databases can approach magnitudes of 102 to 103. Therefore, it is necessary to make proper decision making or strategic planning using the existing data where these plays important role in order to ensure any action that are taken place does not given an impact especially bring loss to the organization. Other than that, data became obsolete when it keeps on changing and easily out dated as the user requirement shifting depends on factors such as trends, money, needs and so forth. One way to analyze data is using of data mining technique which enable to assist organization by emphasize several steps to produce the valuable output in short period of time compare with the traditional method which may involves more than one methodologies and it derive to longer of time to accomplish the investigation towards a portion of data. Thus, in the business area an action should be done quickly in order to compete with other competitors and to improve performance both in giving service and produce a high quality product. Moreover, process interpretation of the result involves group of people to inject some of the creativity and synthesis which can lead to the solutions on the problem or tasks. Obviously, data mining a lot assist in various fields with different purposes and depend on the objectives that want to achieve. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 tells about definition of data mining. Section 3 determines the importance of data mining. Section 4 explains the application of data mining in various fields. Section 5 draws the conclusions. 2.0 Definition of Data Mining There are abroad definitions listed by a few researcher and academician according to their view and opinion based on the study they have done. Moreover, these will help to understand or giving an idea before discusses more in depth towards data mining technique. Basically, the main purpose use of data mining is to manipulate huge amount of data either existence or store in the databases by determine suitable variables which is contribute to the quality of prediction that will be use to solve problem. Define by Gargano Raggad, 1999. Data mining searches for hidden relationships, patterns, correlations, and interdependencies in large databases that traditional information gathering methods (e.g. report creation, pie and bar graph generation, user querying, decision support systems (DSSs), etc.) might overlook. Besides that, another author also agreed with opinion toward the data mining definition which is to seek hidden pattern, orientation and also trend. Through (Palace, 1996) added to the previous is: Data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Moreover, data mining also define as process to squeeze of knowledge or information using appropriate framework or model to analyze until produce an output that assist in fulfill the objective of the study. From Imberman, 2001: As knowledge extraction, information discovery, information harvesting, exploratory data analysis, data archeology, data pattern processing, and functional dependency analysis. The statement above agreed and adds that the framework or model that adopt definitely to expose the real circumstance. Define by Ma, Chou Yen, 2000: Data mining is the process of applying artificial intelligence techniques (such as advanced modeling and rule induction) to a large data set in order to determine patterns in the data. In the other hand, data mining is taken a few steps during analysis and this step is depending on the methodology that is chosen. Each of the methodology is not much differ from other methodology. Through Forcht Cochran, 1999: Data mining is an interactive process that involves assembling the data into a format conducive to analysis. Once the data are configured, they must be cleaned by checking for obvious errors or flaws (such as an item that is an extreme outlier) and simply removing them. 3.0 Important of Data Mining As discusses above, it can be seen that data mining will be beneficial a lot of party and multiple range of level in the organization as the model or framework that is apply can reduce time and cost. Then, the results allow the responsible knowledge worker to transform into the strategic value of information effectively by critically analyze the result. The process should be done carefully to avoid the useful variables or algorithm being removes or not be included in the extraction of reliable data. Data mining techniques will help in select a portion of data using appropriate tools to filter outliers and anomalies within the set of data. According to Gargano Raggad, 1999, there are a few others important of data mining consist of:  · To facilitate the explication of previously hidden information includes the capabilities to discover rules, classify, partition, associate and optimize. According to (Goebel Gruenwald, 1999) in order to seek the pattern of data, a few methodologies are use in clarify the vagueness as well as to identifying the relation among one variables and other variables within the databases whereas the outcome will guide in making decision or to forecast the impact when the action were take into consideration. The chosen of methodologies should be determined in a proper way suit with the rules and condition towards the data which is to be analyzed. The methodologies include: Statistical Methods: focused mainly on testing of preconceived hypotheses and on fitting models to data. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR): technology that tries to solve a given problem by making direct use of past experiences and solutions. Neural Networks: formed from large numbers of simulated neurons, connected to each other in a manner similar to brain neurons which enables the network to learn. Decision Trees: each non-terminal node represents a test or decision on the considered data item and can also be interpreted as a special form of a rule set, characterized by their hierarchical organization of rules. Rule Induction: Rules state a statistical correlation between the occurrences of certain attributes in a data item, or between certain data items in a data set. Bayesian Belief Networks: graphical representations of probability distributions derived from co-occurrence counts in the set of data items. Genetic algorithms / Evolutionary Programming: formulate hypotheses about dependencies between variables, in the form of association rules or some other internal formalism. Fuzzy Sets: constitute a powerful approach to deal not only with incomplete, noisy or imprecise data, but may also be helpful in developing uncertain models of the data that provide smarter and smoother performance than traditional systems. Rough Sets: rough sets are a mathematical concept dealing with uncertainty in data and used as a stand-alone solution or combined with other methods such as rule induction, classification, or clustering methods  · The ability to seamlessly automate and embed some of mundane, repetitive, tedious decision steps not requiring continuous human intervention. Several steps are taken in processes or analyzes on selected data where the process involves of filtering, transforming, testing, modeling, visualization and documented the result or store accordingly in the databases or data warehouse. Each of the steps functions differently and has responsibility in carries out the process with the purpose to easier and produce the high quality of assumption by automate generate towards specific conditions. For example, data warehouse also keep previous analysis and this allow eliminating the redundant output at certain steps. Through Ma, Chou Yen, 2000, they stress the characteristics of data mining define how it assist to reach the end process of analyzing. It comprises: Data pattern determination: Data-access languages or data-manipulation languages (DMLs) identify the specific data that users want to pull into the program for processing or display. It also enables users to input query specifications. Therefore, users simply select the desired information from the menus, and the system builds the SQL command automatically. Formatting capability: It generates raw data formats, tabular, spreadsheet form, multidimensional-display and visualization. Content analysis capability: Data mining also has a strong content analysis capability that enables the user to process the specifications written by the end-users. Synthesis capability: Data mining allows data synthesis to be timely executed.  · Simultaneously reducing cost and potential error encountered in the decision making process. Basically, data mining can minimize the error of forecasting by following the steps of selected methodology in well manner to avoid delaying in making decision where this situation will giving big impact for the business area. Therefore, it must be careful in handling the data throughout the steps involves whereby the strategic plan should take into consideration includes of the objectives to done the analysis, the amount of data, the variables, the relationship between variables, test adopted, and so forth. Moreover, if there is need to discuss with the professional towards the study conducted and it should be included in the planning part. In the context of organization, usually a unit or group of people are given responsible to carries this duty to discover the hidden pattern for another department. Hence, the continuously meeting should be done between the professional and researchers to ensure the end result fulfill their requirement as well as to improve the performance of work er, department and organization. In term of reducing a cost, compare to the traditional research which take time in acquiring the data from respondents and it depend on the methodologies that are use and the number of sampling. If the questionnaire method, it can be done quickly and less time consuming but if the interviewing method is adopted, it surely take time and researcher have to meets the respondent more than one time, if there is an ambiguity or the answers not meet with the requirement. For certain study, the sampling are involves from the different location which require the researcher to travel in order to gain the genuine opinion from them and this will cost a lot involves of accommodation, food, flight ticket and so forth. For data mining, it uses the existence of data (for example, data of customer transaction, data of student registration, data of patient undergo the operation process and so on) that keep in data warehouse which mostly reduce cost in aspect of acquiring data. Other than that, researc her take first action by search for the study in the data warehouse when the objective being determine at the beginning of study because previous study are store in the data warehouse. If it is found tally, a few step will be skip or easily decided towards the data and it prove that data mining can reducing the cost as well as time. Refer to Gargano Raggad, 1999, data mining also derive long term benefit which the cost incurred due to the development, implementation, and maintenance of such systems by a wide margin. 4.0 The application of Data Mining Nowadays, data mining is widely use especially to those organization that focuses on consumer orientation. For example, retail, financial, communication, and marketing organizations (Palace, 1996). Besides it, healthcare area also gain benefit by apply the data mining into the daily operations. These various of field shows each of the organization carries different transaction where all of details keep in the databases which enables to perform analysis for multiple purpose likes to increase revenue, gain more customer, improve customer satisfaction and others. Moreover, again through (Palace, 1996) the existence data allow to determine relationships among internal factor consists price, product positioning or staff skills and external factor consists economic indicators, competition and customer demographic. Hence, there three examples of data minings application in different areas which are hotel sector, library scope and also hospital with the goals to reduce or eliminate the weakness by address it using the result that is interpret in well manner to assist in making decision for the best solutions. The examples are as follows:  · A data mining approach to developing the profiles of hotel customers. A study conduct by Min, Min Ahmed Emam, 2002 with the objective to target some of the valued customers for special treatment based on their anticipated future profitability to the hotel. There are a few questions regarding to the customer profiling: Which customers are likely to return to the same hotel as repeat guests? Which customers are at greatest risk of defecting to other competing hotels? Which service attributes are more important to which customers? How to segment the customer population into profitable or unprofitable customers? Which segment of the customers best fits the current service capacities of the hotels? The researchers adopt decision trees for analyzing the data from the abroad method of data mining methodology because the ability to generate appropriate rules using visualization and simplicity. There are three steps having to follows in this process and it includes: Data collection: the process of select data that suit with objective from the previous survey. Moreover, remove the unwanted data from databases by filtering out the excel file. Data formatting: the process of converted all data in the spreadsheet to Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for the purpose of classification accuracy. Rules induction: the process of selection of algorithms to building decision trees which is C5.0 to generate sets of rules that bring important clues in order for hotel manager to take further action. As the result, the researcher found that if-then rules as a useful in formulating a customer retention strategy with a predictive ranging from 80.9 per cent to 93.7 per cent whereas a predictive accuracy reflect to the rules conditions that affect by times (percentage).  · Using data mining technology to provide a recommendation service in the digital library. A study conducted by Chen Chen, 2006 with the purpose to provide recommendation system architecture to promote digital library service in electronic libraries. There are abroad of digital publication format likes audio, video, picture, etc. thus, it lead difficulties in analyzing or defining the keyword and content in order to gain information from the user to improve the service in the digital libraries. In the methodology section, there are two data mining models selected which consist o Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm; This model is capable to find the shortest path or reduce time to find the best output fit with the problem that existence in the organizations. Each of the steps has different function to enable they too see the relation among the variables It takes a few steps which are: Step 0: parameters and initialize pheromone trails. Step 1: Each ant constructs its solution Step 2: Calculate the scores of all solutions Step 3: Update the pheromone trails. Step 4: If the best solution has not been changed after some predefined iterations, terminate the algorithm; otherwise go to step 2. o Association rules to discover the hidden pattern. This model enables to find co-purchase items and assist in uncovered relationship algorithms in form of association rules. There are two main steps as follows: Step 1: Find all large item sets Step 2; use the large items set generated in the first step to generate all the effective association rules. As the results, these two models encounter more than one solutions and enable to gain a lot of recommendation that can be manipulate into various problem that exists in conducting digital libraries as well as to promote the usage in multiple level of user using the appropriate mechanism and providing suitable services.  · Using KDD process to forecast the duration of surgery. A study conducted by Combas, Meskens Vandamme, 2007 with the aim is to identify classes of surgery likely to take different lengths of time according to the patients profile as well as to allow the use of the operating theatre to be better scheduled. There are many issues arise in this field that lead to the study. For example, an endoscopy unit use of endoscopy tube (shared resources) during the surgery. However their availability is limited because it takes 30-45min to clean and sterilize each one. The scheduling of endoscopies (and all other operating theatre procedures) must obviously take into account the availability of these different resources. The researchers adopt Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process to analyze this massive data from the databases. The step as follows: Step 1: data preparation which the selected data must be fulfill of requirement includes secondary diagnoses, Previous active history and system affected. Step 2: data cleaning where filter data by concerning surgical procedures that had been performed at least 40 times (at least 20 times for combinations involving both surgery and specific surgeons). Step 3: data mining which to decide appropriate method to test on the portion of data which it involves rough set and neural network. Step 4: validation by comparison consist process of interpretation by comparing the result from two methods that perform data analysis in order to observe the rate of good classification. Then, researcher added up another three steps in order to fit with the objective that is proposed and to produce the best outcomes to forecast the durations of surgery. It consists of: o Step 5: Measuring the impact of predicting the duration of surgery on planning which in this step the duration of surgery supplied by the prediction models (empirical laws, rule-based laws, etc.) based on information stored in the database is used to feed a series of algorithms and heuristics for planning purposes o Step 6: Simulation involves the present time will allow to simulate the activity of the different theatre suites in terms of the operating sequence determined by planning methods on the two scenarios which are operating data and patients profile o Step 7: validation selection of the best model where the results supplied by the simulation model should enable to assess the quality of scheduling on the basis of a series of performance indicators likes the length of time for which the operating theatres are not in use, the number of potential additional hours, and errors in predicting the duration of surgery. As the results, researchers are not particularly satisfactory. The main problem seems to be the choice of variable grouping, which might possibly have an effect on prediction quality. 5.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, data mining can be consider as an effective and efficient way to discover or to transform the invisible to visible data that retrieve from databases which have capabilities to store huge amount of data by using the right tools in assist or enable to analyze, synthesis and manipulate the content of data for various purposes and often depend on the main businesses that carries out to define the target. From the discussion above, it can be seen that there are a lot of advantages when perform data mining especially in the business area which allow the organization to predict the trends, customer requirement, the relationship and so forth as early preparation can be identify in order to seek another or a few others way to ensure that organization can still operate their daily operation after determine that organization not agree towards the result have been gain. In order to produce the end result that satisfying the organization and minimize the error as it successfully implement the information in order to perform business transaction. The key variables should be assign in well manner meet or suitable with the objective that propose in conducting the study because it have to repeat the procedures when found the errors as the decision making process could not been done according to the timeline. 6.0 References Chen, Chia-Chen Chen, An-Pin. (2006 ). Using data mining technology to provide a recommendation service in the digital library. The Electronic Library. 25(6): 711-734. Combas, C., Meskens, N Vandamme, J. P. (2007). Using a KDD process to forecast the duration of surgery. International Journal of Production Economics. 112: 279-293. Forcht., Karen A. Cochran, Kevin. (1999). Using data mining and datawarehousing techniques. Industrial Management Data Systems. 99(5), 189-196. Gargano., Michael L. Raggad, Bel G. (1999). Data mining a powerful information creating tool. OCLC Systems Services. 15(2), 81-90. Goebel, Michael Gruenwald, Le. (1999). A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery software tools. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter. 1: 20 33. Imberman, Susan P. (2001) Effective Use of the KDD Process and Data Mining for Computer Performance Professionals. in International Computer Measurement Group Conference. Anaheim: USA, 611-620. Ma, Catherine, Chou, David C. .Yen, David C. (2000). Data warehousing, technology assessment and management. Industrial Management Data Systems. 100(3), 125-135. Min, Hokey., Min, Hyesung Ahmed Emam. (2002). A data mining approach to developing the profiles of hotel customers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 14(6): 274-285. Palace, Bill. (1996, Spring). Data Mining: What is Data Mining? retrieved March 2, 2010, from: